We did some more house-sitting this
weekend past. A college buddy has a friend named Sid whose family has
been in Paris for the last couple years, and she introduced us via ye
olde interwebbes. They were heading off to Venice for a few days
and needed someone to take care of their place. We were happy to do
so, not so much because of their awesome apartment with its spacious
kitchen and lavish living room and comfy bed, but because they have
KITTIES! Two super cute cats that took right to us. Cuddly love
sponges that think a good way to spend your day is to pet them. The
whole day.
But that's not what I'm going to talk
about this go-round. You don't want to hear about someone else's
apartment two blog posts in a row, do you? No, today I'm going to
tell three stories that circle a single theme, sort of like the end
of Return of the Jedi's Death
Star space battle/Endor bunker battle (with ewoks! Pbbt)/ lightsaber
duel triple punch. Each of those scenes has a David/Goliath sort of
Good vs. Evil thing tying them together (Lucas doesn't really play
around with grey areas). My theme will be love, however, and to
illustrate it I shall be telling stories about my grandparents, Data
(from Star Trek: The Next Generation),
and what happened after the end of our house-sitting stint.
Practice your awww
face, ladies and gents.
I couldn't decide on cats or Star Wars for the "cover" picture, so you get both. |