Saturday, April 28, 2012

31. A New Ball Game

I feel like I've been letting you guys down. And me, too. I've been trying to make every blog I write amazing, but sometimes I don't have anything amazing to write about. I mean, I'm in Paris and all, but that doesn't mean that it's exciting. Millions of people live in Paris every day and don't have exciting things happen to them.
The real stars here are the folks off to the left.

I have an idea.

With hardly more'n a month in Paris left
I find my font of inspiration bare
of tales to tell, of anecdotes bereft.
What's worse, I worry that you just don't care.

I know my blog's been up and down of late,
some stories good, while others quite sub-par.
So I shall fight my tendency to prate
and lay my cards out here upon the bar:

I'm feeling down and not too motivated.
The novelty of where I am has gone.
In order to keep writing unabated
I need another plan to carry on.

More frequent posts I'll write, in verse, not prose
And maybe we'll all get more joy from those.

So there.


  1. Be yourself, that's always been the best thing about you.

    Tell us some of the little things (no, not Royale with Cheese, but since we're here, is it true?). Cultures make people different, but people as a whole are the same. Tell us about those little things, when whim permits.

    Sorry I haven't been as active to post on your blog, but I read it when I can. Keep going when the motivation is there. But not as a chore, never that.

  2. Thanks, Craig. I think that's what i'm going to try to do from here on out. No more big post every Friday (unless I have a good one). I'm going to try to do a sonnet...often. And then maybe short things from time to time. Something like that.

  3. Mom says to click your heals together 3 times while muttering, "There's no place like home, etc. etc. etc." But verse would be entertaining!! I have read them all.
