Monday, April 30, 2012

33. Diner Chez Nous

So, I have this idea where you guys should send us lots of money so we can eat at tons of fabulous restaurants all the time. And then I'll write about it in great detail and it will be as though you were there. Until then:
This stuff is awesome

While Paris is a wondrous place to feed--
more awesome spots to eat than rocks to throw--
our finances require we withhold greed
and oft take meals inside Petit Bateau.

Sometimes I add a bouillon cube to rice;
Petit Sale is lentils mixed with pork.
The choice of sauces here for pasta's nice
and make for us a meal without much work.

And sometimes Megan chops an onion fine
and sautes it with taters, olives, shrooms.
And this dish, with a glass or two of wine,
is quite the treat to happily consume.

Perhaps it's sad we can't eat out each day.
Petit Bateau provides, though; it's okay.

And the view can be pretty cool, too.

1 comment:

  1. Wise words. Eating cheap in Paris. I'm not sure I ever thought of that, but I'd be in serious merde if I went in thinking I could hang out at bistros every day on my income.
