First off, my loves, I want to pay obeisance to Allie Brosh, author of the blog
Hyperbole and a Half and unwitting (and usually uncredited) creator of that "...all the things!" meme you may have seen here or there. She is incredibly hilarious; I have cried from laughing so hard while reading her blog. You should check her out.
Now. Back to me. Writing a sonnet a day winds up being more than just sitting for a few minutes and cranking one out. I can do that, at times, but they're not my best. No, a good one takes at least a half hour-- more for those tricky Spenserian jobs-- and then it'll probably want some tweaking when I transfer it from my notebook to my computer. And I like to do more than one a day, if I can, to make up for days when I just can't make it work or there isn't time. And the best sonnets, I feel, are made when I get to sit in a cafe with a beer and sip, scribble, stare, rinse, repeat.
World-famous sonneteer returning home after
a hard day writing at the bar. |