Wednesday, May 30, 2012

63. This is the end

'Tis our final night in Petit Bateau, my sweets. I may write about that in the coming days. But a couple days ago my friend Anna responded to something I said about our last trip to Recloses, something along the lines of, "Why do the good things always have to come to an end?"  So I'm going to write about that tonight.

A friend asked, “Why do good things have to end?”
so I'll try seeking out the truth for her.
Not being wise, I'll need some hands to lend
me help in answering my questioner.

Tim Curry, red and big-horned, said that Light
is unappreciated without Dark,
implying we can't bask in pleasure bright
unless we touched have been by sorrow's mark.

If so, is the reverse, then, also true:
that without joy, we'd never know despair?
Perhaps, but I would rather Joy I knew
despite the price of knowing woe, and care.

If good things have to end, at least they started.
So dwell on that, and don't be broken-hearted.


  1. Thanks for this and all those that came before it. I've been reading through all your posts for the past few weeks and got totally addicted to it - reading bits and pieces whenever I could. I'm going to need more of this somehow. Will you start another blog? What's next?

  2. Right now, I intend to keep writing a sonnet a day. This may evolve somewhat, but I like the idea of having to make something every day. Maybe I'll go back to writing, like, observations or whatever it was I was doing before. I should probably change the name or the thing, though.

  3. Oh. I also love that you like it.
