Wednesday, May 9, 2012

42. Stupid laws and the stupid stupids that...stupid.

Shame, my loves. That's what's caught in my craw. My home state is apparently almost two thirds asshole. I can't even defensively say that my home county was one of the seven that has a majority of not-asshole in it.

Yes, morans. Get a brain. Until then stay away from voting booths.

I haven't known one person to applaud
the hateful votes last night in 'Carolina.
It's not defense of family, it's not God
that tries to rule that dick's just for vagina.

An ignorant and stupid claw at power,
like trying to tell the sea the tide can't rise,
while in their hearts a frightened creature cowers
and clings to poor-articulated lies.

I'm trying to stay light, while filled with rage;
I want to introduce their face to bricks.
Why are medieval throwbacks, in this age,
not kept from making any choice that sticks?

It's hard to equal voting rights assert
when doing so means that my friends get hurt.


  1. It's a travesty, no matter how you look at it. For society as a whole, human rights, the way America was intended to be and so on.

    But Michael Altarriba had a good point...
    "I'm confident that our society's trajectory towards greater freedom and equality will continue (especially when one considers the relevant demographics).

    Soon, bigotry based on sexual orientation will end up in the same dustbin of history as did bigotry based on race... and future generations will look upon the bigotry of today with the same mixture of incomprehension and disgust as we feel when we look upon the racial discrimination of the past.

    Those who voted in favor of the NC referendum are on the wrong side of history... they just don't know it yet"

    Till then, just keep trying to make a difference where and when you are, if more did so we wouldn't have this problem persist.

  2. I really love this poem. You have developed this talent of yours a lot and I'm so proud of you.
